Home Stories Contributing to the Global Effort to End Malaria

Contributing to the Global Effort to End Malaria

World Malaria Day 2016 Graphic Brief
World Malaria Day 2016 Graphic Brief

Jhpiego’s Programs and Successes

What We Do

  • Malaria in Pregnancy—Women who are pregnant can pass the disease to their unborn children. To ensure healthy pregnancies and births, pregnant women receive bed nets, intermittent preventive treatment, iron folate and diagnosis and treatment of confirmed cases.
  • Case Management—No one should die from malaria. Not parents, not babies, not children. We empower health workers at community and facility levels to test for malaria and treat malaria cases.
  • Prevention—Malaria is preventable with common interventions like bed nets and intermittent preventive treatment. We educate communities on these opportunities.
  • Pre-Elimination—We need to know where the “hotspots” are. We support case detection, follow-up, investigation and data collection to understand the disease footprint in communities.

A Closer Look at Pre-Elimination

When a new malaria case is identified, health workers travel to the patient’s village where they test, treat and track further cases, and record them in a central database. Identifying the “hotspots” of the disease is critical.

What We’re Celebrating In 2016

898,841 women covered through two intermittent preventive treatment doses to prevent malaria in pregnancy and ensure healthy, thriving families!

Jhpiego believes that when women are healthy, families and communities are strong. We won’t rest until all women and their families—no matter where they live—can access the health care they need to pursue happy and productive lives.

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