
Country Contact
Aminah Khan, Country Director
Tel. 92 (0) 51 835 5144
Islamabad, Pakistan
Current and Recent Donors
Gates Foundation
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
We’ve been working to protect the health of women and babies since 1997.
- Nearly 125,000 antenatal care visits were conducted by skilled providers at Jhpiego-supported health care facilities, and over 430,000 women delivered their babies with the assistance of a skilled birth attendant at Jhpiego-supported health facilities.
- Jhpiego’s advocacy resulted in chlorhexidine being included in the country’s approved essential medicines list and misoprostol being added to the essential drug list for Punjab Province (chlorhexidine and misoprostol are both lifesaving medicines, the former to prevent umbilical cord infection and the latter to prevent postpartum bleeding).
Our Work in Pakistan
Enhancing Global Health Security: Expanding Efforts and Strategies to Protect and Improve Public Health Globally
Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this five-year project builds upon activities funded by CDC to support Global Health Security through implementation of programs and activities that focus on protecting and improving health globally through partnerships with Ministries of Health and other institutions. With an initial emphasis on addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, the project is supporting countries—including Pakistan—and carrying out regional work in West Africa and South America to improve prevention of avoidable epidemics, including naturally occurring outbreaks and intentional or accidental releases of dangerous pathogens, and to improve ability to detect threats early and respond rapidly and effectively to public health threats of international concern. The project is being implemented by a Jhpiego-led consortium that includes the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Global Scientific Solutions for Health, and Johns Hopkins University Center for Global Health.
Integration of Family Health with Primary Health Care Services and Task Sharing/Shifting of Family Health Services to Community-Level Health Care Workers
With funding from UNFPA, Jhpiego supports the development of an integrated model of family health services and counseling in primary health care at 18 targeted facilities in Islamabad and two in Karachi. Jhpiego is working to improve quality of care by building the capacity of health workers and strengthening facilities and community engagement by training outreach workers. In addition, Jhpiego and UNFPA are training Master Trainers and supporting task shifting/sharing through capacity building of Lady Health Workers in Islamabad, including hard-to-reach areas such as Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership
MOMENTUM is a suite of projects, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, that aims to accelerate reductions in maternal, newborn and child mortality and morbidity in high-burden countries by increasing host country commitment and capacity to provide high-quality, integrated health care. Each of the projects has a specific focus area; together they provide a comprehensive, flexible package of support for countries as they overcome context-specific health challenges towards sustainable development. The six-year, Jhpiego-led MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership project focuses on: 1) providing targeted technical and capacity development assistance to our missions, partner countries and local organizations; and 2) contributing to global technical leadership and policy dialogue for improved maternal, newborn and child health outcomes. Jhpiego’s sub-partners under this project are: Save the Children, Johns Hopkins University International Vaccine Access Center, Quicksand, Matchboxology, BAO Systems, Avenir Health, McKinsey and Company, PACT, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Christian Connections for International Health and Ubora Quality Institute.
Engaging Male Caregivers and Supporting Successful Parenting towards Improved Immunization Outcomes and Equitable Health Services
This Gavi-funded project, operational in Pakistan and Togo, seeks to expand immunization coverage through increased male engagement. Under this award, Jhpiego is reviewing current global evidence, building consensus among national immunization stakeholders and testing select male engagement strategies to improve men’s role in caregiving. Jhpiego is also examining whether and how male engagement approaches can increase rates of immunization and analyzing the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of male engagement strategies relative to current immunization demand creation strategies. Findings of this work will be widely disseminated to ensure understanding and uptake of findings by government stakeholders, immunization program design specialists among implementation partners, and Gavi secretariat and Alliance partners. These findings will also inform the development of three tools—a framework; a theory of change; and a monitoring, evaluation and learning plan—that will be used in the design and development of country-specific interventions in Togo and Pakistan for engaging male caregivers to improve immunization outcomes for children.
Reaching the Unreached
This initiative is a collaborative effort involving Jhpiego, the Federal Directorate of Immunization and the Provincial Expanded Programme on Immunization in Sindh. This project aims to extend vaccination services to previously unvaccinated segments of the population in the underserved union councils of District Keemari and West Karachi. A comprehensive coverage assessment was carried out to pinpoint areas with unvaccinated individuals within selected union councils of Songal and Itehad Town. These areas were selected due to the high percentage of underserved populations in these areas. Extensive capacity-building sessions and workshops were organized for health care professionals and local communities which significantly helped foster a stronger foundation for the vaccination drive. Engagement of local leaders and organizations played a pivotal role in ensuring proficient field monitoring and achieving high vaccination rates, with 19,868 vaccinations administered in Phase 1 and 20,666 in Phase 2—a commendable 94% coverage rate in both rounds. Despite formidable challenges–including security concerns, lack of government infrastructure for immunization, absence of outreach sites in scattered unregistered population clusters, vaccine hesitancy and refusals for COVID-19 vaccinations and considerable distances between facilities—the Jhpiego team persevered and managed to vaccinate a substantial portion of the target population, which also includes undocumented local residents, illegal residents, and mobile populations. The project serves as a model for reaching unreached and vulnerable populations, underscoring the importance of local organizations, the identification and engagement of local influencers and religious leaders, as well as a profound understanding and respect for local customs and cultures.
Country Contact
Aminah Khan, Country Director
Tel. 92 (0) 51 835 5144
Islamabad, Pakistan
Current and Recent Donors
Gates Foundation
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance