Country Contact
Gahan Anderson, Senior Program Manager
Tel: 1-410-537-1800
Baltimore, MD 21231 USA
Current and Recent Donors
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Since the 1990s, reaching women and their children with lifesaving interventions.
- With support from Jhpiego, Niger is expanding women’s choice and access to contraceptive methods such as DMPA-SC, the innovative injectable contraceptive also known as Sayana® Press. Following Jhpiego’s advocacy efforts, DMPA-SC is now available in the public and private sectors.
- Jhpiego supported the Ministry of Health of Niger and the Tahoua region to implement a quality improvement (QI) and leadership and management approach to improving service delivery. In project pilot sites, QI teams put in place projects that improved health indicators including in malaria diagnosis and treatment, increased the proportion of pregnant women seen in fourth antenatal care visits, and improved TB treatment rates.
- The midwifery curricula at two midwifery and nursing schools have been updated and revised to use competency-based learning approaches, resulting in students having more opportunities to learn and practice clinical skills during their studies and being more competent in midwifery skills upon graduation.
- Under the Performance Monitoring for Action project, Jhpiego is partnering with Niger’s Institute of National Statistics (INS) to conduct family planning surveys. The project has instituted a technical consultative committee for the survey and Jhpiego conducted a baseline organizational capacity assessment for INS and is supporting them to implement their action plan to improve in areas such as finance/administration and leadership/governance.
Our Technical Areas in Niger
Our Work in Niger
Performance Monitoring for Action Wind Down Grant
This grant is a follow-up to the Performance Monitoring for Action project, which used a low-cost, rapid-turnaround survey platform to generate data for decision-making in family planning programs. Under this new grant, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is supporting continued use of the platform for additional data collection and local capacity strengthening.
Institutionalization of DMPA-SC in Eight Ouagadougou Partnership Countries
This project aims to coordinate and support the government of Niger in implementing their plans to scale up and institutionalize subcutaneous depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-SC), also known as Sayana® Press, in their budgeted national family planning strategic plans, in collaboration with the private sector and other national and regional implementing partners. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the project seeks to strengthen the country’s capacity for accelerated and autonomous implementation of the DMPA-SC self-injection scale-up plan in collaboration with the government, and coordinated between the public and private sectors, Access Collaborative partners and other implementing partners by end of project.
Country Contact
Gahan Anderson, Senior Program Manager
Tel: 1-410-537-1800
Baltimore, MD 21231 USA
Current and Recent Donors
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria