Primary Health Care

Helpline for Healthy Mom and Baby

Kabul, Afghanistan – While visiting the Ahmad Shah Baba District Hospital in Kabul, Shafiqua Sadat met a Jhpiego-trained midwife who connected her to a service that would become beneficial for both her and her soon-to-be born baby girl. Shafiqua, 26 and visibly pregnant, had been keeping her sister-in-law company when midwife Rozina Sahak approached the

A New Beginning 

As a youngster in Kenya, Mary Wambua was different. Children stayed away from her.   “When my friends were going to school and playing together—I was on my own. They said I smelled and didn’t want to get close to me,” says Mary Wambua, 48.   Mary had a fistula—an abnormal passage between the bladder and vagina

A climate-centric approach for healthy moms and babies

BALTIMORE, November 3, 2023 – A global health organization with more than 50 years of experience supporting high-quality health care in all corners of the world, Jhpiego has always strived to ensure that where a woman lives should not determine if she lives. But the dramatic and ongoing change of our planet’s climate is affecting