A Tick, Tea and IPC

A tick A Pakistani cattle herder, too sick to mind his livestock, went to a hospital in Balochistan, the country’s largest but least populated province located in the southwest, bordering Afghanistan. The medical staff initially suspected a snake bite; the herder was vomiting, had a high fever and an abnormal blood clotting profile. The health

Global Health Security Summit focuses on climate, public health threats

Aleisha Rozario, Jhpiego’s Project Director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded Enhancing Global Health Security project, spoke at the first Global Health Security Summit held in Islamabad, Pakistan, January 10-11. Jhpiego was the only international non-profit development partner invited to speak. Here are excerpts from her speech. Climate Change and Public Health Threats:

COVID-19 & Emerging Infectious Diseases

Mobilizing to Fight Outbreaks and Emerging Infectious Diseases COVID-19, Zika and Ebola. Emerging new diseases have made for some scary headlines—and will continue to threaten men, women and children across the world. In concert with our efforts to prevent and control public health crises by enhancing global health security, Jhpiego works with global, regional and