COVID-19 & Emerging Diseases

Back to life

Hours before going into surgery in Kisumu County Referral Hospital in February 2022, Evaline Akoth spent time with her husband, 16-year-old son, and two young daughters. These nearly became her last memories: Evaline experienced complications after surgery and suffered a cardiac arrest. “I woke up three days later in a different room from the one

Strengthening India’s Labs:  

To prepare for and help prevent the next pandemic, global health leaders assert that countries need well-equipped laboratories and experts who are capable of detecting dangerous pathogens and new variants in time to respond. These labs need to be capable of genome sequencing—a technology that determines the DNA or RNA sequence of an organism, enabling

Community Engagement Increases COVID Vaccination Rates in Tanzania 

Covid vaccine

Chamwino, Tanzania — It took a home visit from a community health worker for Christine Matinya, a mother of four, to overcome the misinformation and doubts she had about the COVID vaccine.    “Previously, I heard that the vaccine causes one to get crippled. I also heard that a woman would not be able to conceive